Calm the Nerves

Performing in recitals can be stressful.  There are so many musical details to remember……..the notes, dynamics, phrasing and expression.  You also want to please your teacher, friends and family. 

To have a good recital experience, try to focus on the positive parts of performing:  think about how fun your music is to play, how much everyone in the audience will enjoy hearing it, and how proud you will feel when you are done.

But what if I get nervous?

Breathe.  Breathing relaxes your muscles and can lower your heart rate (pulse).  It also brings oxygen to your brain, which it needs to function properly.  Take a few deep breaths, slowly counting to 4 as you inhale and again to 4 as you exhale.

Visualize.  Imagine you are in a calm place, like a dream vacation spot.  Think about all the calming things about that place and pretend you are transported there for a moment to relax.

Relax muscles.  Lightly rub the back of your neck and your shoulders to help them relax a bit.  Make big circles with your arms, moving them slowly.  Slowly pull your shoulder blades close together, squeezing them gently and then let them go back to their places slowly.

Think from a spiritual point of view.  You’ve been given a very special talent that many people wish they had.  Put a higher power in charge when you perform.  You are providing the skills in the performance but they are in charge.

Enjoy making music in your performance and stay focused on how great you’ll feel afterwards!


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Get to know your piano!

-The piano was invented in 1698 in Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori.

-There are over 12,000 parts in a piano, 10,000 of which are moving!

-There are 230 strings inside a typical piano.  18 tons of pressure are being exerted by the stretched steel piano strings.

-The right pedal is the sustaining or damper pedal.  It raises all of the dampers at once allowing the notes to continue sounding after the keys are released.

-The left pedal is a soft pedal, usually known as an una corda pedal.  This pedal shifts the key action sideways causing treble hammers to hit only two strings instead of three.

-The middle pedal is known as the sostenuto pedal.  It sustains only those notes which are depressed prior to and while holding the pedal down.

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More Practicing Tips!

Practice slowly.  Practicing slowly catches the details of the music.  Slow practice is like putting the music under a microscope….you see all areas for improvement and much more detail.  Taking your time helps you to learn carefully and to master the piece.  Work with your hands separately at first.

Practice without the pedal at first.  While the pedal makes everything sound better, pedaling too early makes it easy to miss details in the music.  Work to learn the notes and phrasing first and then add the pedaling and dynamics.

Take small sections.  Learn small portions of the music in the beginning.  It is tempting to learn large chunks to save time.  The problem is that taking on too much of the music can be overwhelming.  If you take tiny sections at a time and master them, you will be able to sustain productive practice much longer.

Figuring out corrections.  Fixing a mistake isn’t enough.  After you have mastered a correction, go back and connect the music ahead of and behind the corrected area.  This helps to ensure the error doesn’t recur.

Use the 80/20 Rule:  If you focus the majority of your time on the few places that are weak, you will get much better results that practicing the whole piece from beginning to end.

Regular daily practice enhances the ability to learn new materials and your musicianship.  Try setting aside a regular time of the day when life stops – for example, 7:30pm, I’m taking a break at the piano for 30 minutes.  By making practicing a part of your daily routine your skills will jump ahead and so will your enjoyment.  Have fun making music!


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Vocal Warm-ups

Getting Ready for the Big Performance….

Be sure to prepare for a great performance earlier in the day.  By keeping an eye on your diet, you’ll be helping to ensure strong tone production and doing your best for a great performance…..

Stay away from milk or citrus products prior to performance.   Water is the best thing for your throat….drink more than you usually do and take water to the performance in case it is needed.  Room temperature water is best at performance if possible.

Warming up!  Aside from vocal warm ups, be sure to include simple stretches to relax your muscles prior to performance.  Turn your head slowly to the right, then left until your chin is over your shoulder.  A second exercise is to drop your head to the right so that your ear is above your shoulder, repeat of the left side.  Backward shoulder circles are excellent for relaxation as well.

Try to arrive early so you are familiar with the performance venue and are ready to do your best.  Even when you are memorized, be sure to take your music along in case you need to refer to it.

Have fun making music!

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Great Habits for Practice

Daily practicing is critical to learning to play the piano.   Studying piano uses both visual and motor skills.  The ability to play grows quickly with repetition of materials and thoughtful practice.

Students in the studio are asked to practice daily (except for lesson day!).  For most families it works well for the child to determine the time they will practice daily. For example if practice time is at 4:30pm, life stops.  Homework is set aside and a break is taken at the piano.

In determining the order of materials to practice, students are asked to start with the most challenging pieces first and work toward the easier or more familiar material.

Students are asked to play each assigned piece three times sequentially.  Please be listening while you practice!  If you hear an incorrect note, look back and replay the area in question. Play the bass and treble portions hands separate if needed.   Be sure the music is accurate and replay it a couple of times.

In the beginning stages of learning material, please focus on note accuracy and timing of the piece.  Work with strong sight reading skills and again, always be listening.  The details of pedaling, dynamics and articulation will be worked on as the piece advances.

One final tip….playing a challenging piece right before you go to sleep is a great help.  Our brain continues to process music played right before we go to sleep.  This is a great tip for memorizing music or conquering a challenging piece.

Have a great time making music for yourself and others!

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